Christopher Luker

Mission 40

My Activity Tracking


My target 175 mi

I'm taking on 40 miles in March, with the aim of using the many steps I do at work

I'm taking on 40 miles in March which matches the average distance that the Thames Valley Air Ambulance helicopter flies to reach an emergency. The challenge is to walk, run, swim, cycle or wheel my way to 40 miles, while helping Thames Valley Air Ambulance crews be there for people when they need them the most. TVAA are not government or lottery funded, and rely on the generosity of the community, like you, to provide the best critical care at the scene and beyond. Thank you for your support!

My Achievements

Shared Page

50% of distance travelled

Updated Profile Pic

50% of Fundraising Target

Reached Goal

Reached Distance Goal

My Updates

Bumped it up

Thursday 21st Mar
Now the target is 175 miles before the end of march, bring it on.

Life gets in the way

Thursday 21st Mar
Recently I have been struggling with my mental health, its been a tough time and I'm not through it just yet, but I'm trying to be more positive day by day even when the demons come to play. So I'm nearing my goal of 100 miles and thanks to some generous people I'm close to my target of £200. Thank you all.

Bit of a struggle

Thursday 14th Mar
Seems my right leg isn't liking the miles this week, a lot of pain in my knee and hip but we carry on regardless. Clicking away the miles just need some more donations now.

Mad monday

Monday 11th Mar
13.4 miles today, it was a manic day at work and my legs ache like a biotch, doesn't help that I had no sleep last night 

Decent start to this campaign

Tuesday 5th Mar
As my new role as storeman at the john Radcliffe hospital has me walking a fair amount I thought I'd put the steps to good use, not a bad start 9 miles, gonna be interesting to see what the busier days amount too. Thanks to the people who have already donated. X

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jackie Chown

Good cause Chris! Well done 👍🏻


Dominic Luker


Michael Luker

Good luck!!



Great cause Chris, your doing well, keep going.




Dominic Luker


Christopher Luker


Faye Ham


Katie Chown

Get on boy!